Wednesday 8 August 2007

Why are we bothering about the men in Guantanamo Bay, They are not UK citizens. I'm sure the Goverment has other things to worry about, like making sure the people of this country are safe and not allowing more people in who could make that harder to achieve. If they have to leave the Bay they should be sent back to Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Ethiopia and Algeria the places they came from in the first place and any family that they have here can go with them. Please go and sign my petition at against the banks, thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't waste time, money, or any other British resources on them!!

Let the Yanks do as they will with them - except return them to the British Isles!

[There's a very lovely gigantic whirlpool in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where all of the world's flotsam and jetsam aggregates...

The Yanks might want to air-drop the Jihadis there: the planet's greatest rubbish dump...]